Collection: Artists' Collection

Most of these cards are published by Whistlefish. Whistlefish have a "green matters" policy- sustainable paper sources, vegetable-based inks and eco-friendly printing in Cornwall.  All cards in this collection are larger than Aus Post standard size (13 x24cm) for postage. 

Hannah Cole grew up in North Devon & now lives in Brighton. She has a a degree in Illustration and worked in this field before starting to exhibit her paintings in their own right.  Hannah's art is characterized by seaside scenes and often feature boats, dogs, flora and the sea. What more does one need!   

James Bartholomew mostly works in pastel & watercolour together to create paintings that are as uplifting and inspiring as the subjects and, that convey energy and vibrancy.  His dog portraits can be found in this collection.  

Rose Eddington is based in East Anglia and is known mostly for her paintings of flowers which she paints mainly in watercolour or gouache. Rose studied textile design at Loughborough College of Art and Design where she gained her degree.

Gerry Plumb first started drawing as a teenage student at Shrewsbury School of Art. He has worked as a cartoonist and as an illustrator and now creates art for his own exhibitions.  Gerry's art work is often humorous.